
Friday, June 14, 2013


     Kidz Learn Language is my new blog about - well, you guessed it - how kids learn language and how we can teach kids who have difficulty with language to use language to communicate effectively.  This means in classrooms and outside of them.
     In over 3 decades I’ve worked with a lot of different kids.  Kids with autism, kids with language learning disabilities, kids with specific language impairments, kids with developmental disabilities of all sorts.  I’ve worked in public and nonpublic schools, for a variety of nonprofit agencies and in private practice.  I’ve spent - and continue to spend - a lot of time training parents and teachers and classroom aides and an assortment of other caregivers how to help their kids learn language and learn to communicate.  So, I’m hoping that I can share with you here some of what I’ve learned.

As I’ve thought about possible posts and threads for this blog, my ideas have been all over the map.  Mostly because what I’ve done has been all over the map.  So, I am going to try to cover a lot of different topics - from alternative-augmentative communication to language and literacy learning to... well, we’ll see where it goes.  But I am going to try to be organized about it, too.  I am going to try to post weekly, within a theme each month.  I am going to try to give you information, show you where to find more information, give you some ideas, and even share some of my resources with you.
Welcome!   to Kidz Learn Language.

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