
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Does Your Language Intervention Take the Summer Off?

If you have a child with a language disorder, you know that building language skills needs to happen all of the time. After all, natural contexts are the best place to build language skills.  And you don’t want to spend your summer vacation with workbooks or drills, do you?  Of course not.

So what can you do while your enjoying the summer?  My July posts will be all about finding language in some of the fun things you are doing.  I’ll have some activity ideas and a free activity for you to download.

So, let’s start the summer off with fun at the beach.  My children are children of both coasts.  Our pails and shovels saw the Atlantic and the Pacific.  So what can you do while busy building sand castles?

1. in the bucket
2. put it here
3. put it there
4. needs more
5. turn it over
6. dig down
7. down more
8. higher
9. put it on top
10.  not so much

Alternatively, “Tell me about what you’re building.”  “What do you want me to do?”  “Where should I put this?”
“What do we do first?”  “Now what do I do?” “What comes next?” “How do we finish it?”

Here are some images of Widget Symbols  you can print off and use. Cover them with clear contact paper or laminate them if you’re taking them to the beach.

What other summer fun activities are you using to build language?

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