
Sunday, December 7, 2014

What Does Your AC User Want for the Holidays?

Holidays continue to be a great conversational topic.  Families and classrooms continue to talk about traditions and customs, plan activities and visits, and, of course, ask about what gifts children/students want to get.  Christmas and Hanukkah have both become holidays that revolve around giving - and receiving.  For many kids it’s all about the presents. 
So, in the spirit of offering communication boards for your users to talk about the holidays here are two communication boards for the holidays.  I apologize to anyone whose holiday celebration I have missed.  I just don’t know about them all.  

These boards do not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the historical and religious events of these holidays.  Rather, they provide means for basic discussions between friends in class.

(If you missed my Halloween and Thanksgiving communication boards you can grab them anytime.)