
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Have You Seen These Posts? Some great posts to check out.

     Before I continue with my shared reading strategies month, I wanted to post links to two great blog posts that relate to shared reading and to narrative development.
     The first is from a blogger I follow consistently, because of his insight and great tips.  Sean Sweeney works with the Story Grammar Marker from Mary Ellen Moreau and Mindwings Concepts.  I love, love the SGM.  I've used it for the more than 20 years it has been around.  My enthusiasm infected others in the district I worked for outside of Boston - which is where Sean is from - and it spread throughout.  Now districts everywhere are using it, and the company has expanded the concept tremendously. (Note:  I have no financial relationship with them, and am receiving no consideration of any kind for this post).
     So, I love it when Sean posts information about lessons using the SGM.  Here is one you should definitely check out from this week: Enjoy Using SGM Materials for Traditional and Graphical Stories .

     The second is from another blogger I follow, Jodie, at Growing Book by Book.  She had a great post this week also, on story retelling. She uses a rainbow story retelling bracelet with little ones to develop the skill and provide cues.  Here is her post.

     Stay tuned.  I'll be posting this week's regular post shortly.  In the meantime, keep on reading.

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