
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Can You Listen to One More Word About Cortical Vision Impairment?

Whether or not students have vision issues is a big consideration when you're trying to provide them with an alternative mode of communication.  After all, if they can't discriminate the pictures you use - whether they're photographs or line drawings - they're going to need an additional modification to the system.

Initially, most of what I knew about C.V.I. came from Linda Burkhart.  Then I read Christine Roman-Lantzy's book.  And since then I've run into a number of developmental vision specialists who have added to my knowledge base.

So I have added to my tool-box of things to try and do and look at during AAC evaluations if there is the least suspicion of a cortical vision issue.

I have little red lights.  I have communication boards and device pages in an assortment of contrasting colors and sizes.  I even found a little red Koosh ball and mounted it on a stick.
(Unfortunately, with everything I cram into my traveling bag of tricks that met with an untimely end. I have to find another....)

Many parents I encounter aren't sure if their child has a cortical vision impairment.  They haven't been given sufficient information by their medical caregivers, or haven't had an adequate explanation, or don't have an ophthalmologist near them who can assess.
I found an informative blog post my a mother of a child with C.V.I. and thought I'd share it here.

I hope everyone has taken advantage of June's National Children's Vision Month to make sure your students' vision is accounted for.

Keep on talking.

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