
Monday, June 1, 2015

Shared Reading Strategies Again - Did You See My Guest Post?

This week I was a guest blogger at One Stop Teacher Shop, talking about one of my favorite subjects - Shared Reading to Build Language Skills.

Yes, I've put that all in caps for emphasis.  I think this is one of the most important things we can do with kids, especially those with language delays or disorders.  Research bears me out on this, and I've always tried to follow the research in my practice.

When I worked in the public schools, most of my intervention with kids with significant language disabilities revolved around books.  (I spent a fortune at the little local kids bookstore.)
I used books with themes, books with messages, books that just had great vocabulary or great pictures.  Some days it didn't matter which book, because I can use just about any book to build language skills in multiple ways.

So, here is a link to my guest post: Shared Reading to Build Language Skills
You will also find a link there to my free handout about shared reading strategies.  

If you are interested in a more in-depth discussion of shared reading strategies, and a variety of forms and visual cue sheets to use with your students or children, you can check out this resource in my TPT Store:

Shared and Guided Reading Strategies and Templates - Using Storybooks in Intervention. 

Keep on talking and keep on reading!

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