
Sunday, September 27, 2015

3 Top Reasons to Adapt a Book

There are three basic ways in which to modify books: 
modification to the text
modifications to the pictures
modifications to the book itself

The first question to ask yourself is; Who are you adapting the book for? Which also answers the question; Why are you adapting the book?

Most importantly the student’s unique needs will determine what you want to do.  And I say “student” singular, because it is difficult to adapt a book for an entire class and have it meet every student’s unique needs; although there are often some basic modifications that will apply to any group of students that isn’t too heterogenous.

For example,
For a student with CVI  we enlarge text, use high contrast colors, minimize and simplify the content on any page, add tactile supports.  
For students with more impacted vision, we might be adapting with Braille.

For students who are not literate, we use symbols for comprehension (although not for literacy).
For students who need support for comprehension, we use symbol supports for vocabulary, simplify text structure, adding visual supports to illustrate story events.

For students who have motor difficulties and can’t easily turn pages independently, we add fluffers, laminate pages, insert heavy card stock or cardboard between copied pages (it is legal to make a copy of a book you have purchased in order to adapt it for a student who has difficulty accessing print).

So start by figuring out why you are adapting the book.   Is it because the student needs help to access print visually or linguistically,  because he needs symbol supports to respond,  or because he needs a way to physically interact with the book independently, etc.?
Remember, always take your cue from the student you are serving.  Each book modification may be very different.

Keep reading!  and keep on talking.

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