
Sunday, November 8, 2015

What's the 1 Big Change to Question It?

Question it is the iPad app that teaches children how to answer Wh-Questions by teaching them what kind of word teaches which type of question.
It has long been my professional experience that students learn better how to answer Wh- questions once they understand that each type of questions is answered by a different group of words. Teaching them to memorize answers to specific lists of questions is rarely helpful in the long run.

Thus, after many years of working with students with autism, I transferred the paper picture activity I used to teach Wh-questions into an app - with a LOT of help from a couple of great programers at Ditty Labs, here in San Diego. (My expertise with technology is strictly limited to assistive technology and AAC!)

Now, 3 years after its initial release, changes have come to Question It (? it). I am pulling the Lite version of the app off of the market. Question It is now in a limited version free, with the full version unlocked through an in-app purchase.
A download of Question It will now provide the user with a limited number of stimuli but - different from the original Lite version - with access to all 3 levels of the Sorting and Sentence Activities and both levels of the Advanced Sentences and Paragraphs Activities.

The limited stimuli will continue to loop, util the user purchases the full version, with more than 10,000 questions. Moving from one level to another, or one activity to another will prompt the user to make that purchase.

Nothing else about the app has changed. The app continues to use errorless learning and fading of color cues teaching strategies. And the fireworks reinforcement is still provided after every 5 correct responses.

If you haven't already, try Question It today!  The update will be available in the iTunes store as soon as Apple approves it.

Keep on talking, and keep on answering!

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