
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Can You Count the Syllables?

This is our 2nd week of phonological awareness tasks.  If you missed week1 (rhyming) go back and read the previous post.  If you missed the introductory discussion of phonological awareness, go back 2 posts.

This week I’m talking about blending and segmenting and deleting syllables in words.

One of the easiest ways to introduce segmenting words into syllables happens when you take attendance.  Many of the teachers I work with do this at circle time, calling each name or - for reading names -  holding up a name card for each student.  Now let’s add a step to that - segmenting the names into syllables and having students clap or stomp their feet or tap on their desks.  If you’re like Caroline Musselwhite you’ll have student chant the names repetitively while they clap/stomp/tap: Sus - an, Sus - an, Sus - an.  Where is Jor - ge, Jor - ge, Jor - ge?  I see “Lin - da, Lin - da, Lin - da.  Where is Beth - a - ny, Beth - a - ny,  Beth - a - ny?

Try segmenting words at snack time, and see if students can identify the word. 
I have a ba - na - na.  What do I have?
Tim has sa - la - mi.  What does he have?
John has an or - ange.  What does he have?

The hardest segmenting task is deletion.  We usually start with compound words, like baseball.  If I say “baseball” without the “ball,” what do I have?  “Base.”
A bit harder is deleting syllables in words; like saying “rocket” without the “et,’ which leaves…. “rock.”

Here are some syllable counting picture cards for you to use. 

You might also want to hop over to my TPT store and pick up my free compound word book.  You can use the words and pictures for a deletion task.

If you want more fun with counting syllables, try my Fun Counting Syllables games with two themes (ballet and baseball) for fun with syllable segmenting. 

Next week: Identifying initial and final sounds in words.  In the meantime, keep on talking!

And tell me, what is your favorite segmenting activities?

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