
Sunday, March 20, 2016

If Your Student Can't Speak Well, How Can He Read and Write?

I am actually away this weekend, celebrating my 60th birthday. Someone told me that 60 is the new 40. Does that mean I get an extra 20 years somewhere? Can I pend it doing all the fun things on my bucket list?
This weekend my husband and I are down in the mid-southern part of Baja, in the lagoon where grey whales give birth. Hopefully, by now I have petted said whales, gotten lots of pictures, and we're on our way home.

So, rather than writing a great blog post, I've given myself a birthday present - a day off - and am instead sending you off to read a terrific post I found last week, from a teacher blogger, writing about the connection between oral language and literacy.
If you follow this blog or my Facebook page, you know I've spoken about this quite a bit.
Since all of the kiddos I work with have significant expressive language difficulties, literacy challenges are a constant.

This blog post is from a teacher - albeit a reading specialist - not a SLP and what I like about it is that it is directed to teachers, who are in the classrooms and on the front lines with the students daily. She mentions that she hadn't paid as much attention to the Speaking and Listening CCSS as to Reading and Writing, and offers some good tips for teachers.
So, I am sending you over to Learning at the Primary Pond's post on Oral Language & Literacy Development.

Until next week, Keep on Talking!

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