
Sunday, June 18, 2017

P is for Planning: More AAC From A to Z

In past posts I've talked about planning what to say and model during an activity where you're using Aided Language Stimulation to focus on core words and language used within routines or activities.

Planning an Aided Input session

When you're just learning a system, it can be difficult for  you, the communication partner, to navigate the unfamiliar AAC system in order to provide the aided input.  That's why it is important for you to plan out what you're going to say and learn where the vocabulary is that you will need.

planning template for aided input

video about planning aided input

I have provided some planning sheets in the past, and you can find a detailed one for free in my TPT store here.
I am also including a link here to a video all about planning out your aided input for a given activity.  There are examples in the first handout, and information in the video you should find useful.

Aided Input planning form for bubble play

Are there other topics you would like to see me cover in this blog?  Please feel free to comment below with topic requests, and I'll do my best to cover them.
In the meantime, have a great summer and......... Keep on Talking!

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