
Sunday, August 6, 2017

AAC Vocabulary BINGO

Are you ready for one more way to have fun finding words?  Try a game of BINGO.  You can use any group of vocabulary words.  You can take the words from curriculum areas, from books, or from whatever thematic topic your or the teacher are working on.  
Create multiple BINGO cards that use the same words; just vary their positions on the cards.

vocabulary BINGO games

And………..voila!  Another fun game for finding vocabulary in the AAC system.  
If you’ve been talking about Spring, use Spring-related words; such as grow, plant, big, tiny, dirty, insect, flower, bud, bloom, robin, nest, hatch, warm, sunny, rain, etc. 
(If you don't want to make your own, try my Everything for Spring resource, complete with BINGO game)

If you’ve been working on answering Wh-questions, try BINGO cards with random vocabulary that includes people, animals, and characters, actions (verbs), places, and time words (clock and calendar).  As you call out a word, students have to tell what kind of a Wh-question it answers before they can place a marker on it.

Simple, but effective.  Kids love playing BINGO games.    Here are some other BINGO resources in my TPT store if you like saving time and reducing your work load.

Keep on talking!

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