
Sunday, October 1, 2017

How Many Ways Can I Use Wordless Videos with My AAC Users?

Just a couple of weeks ago, YappGuru University and Speech Science presented an awesome, free, on-line AAC conference for a week.  There were some terrific presenters from the cream of AAC researchers crop.

In between those illustrious presenters those of us from Speech Science added some tips and actionable ideas in a fun, entertaining and sometimes silly way.

Since I think the presentation Rachel Madel and I did offers some good advice with real things you can do and models of how to do them, I want to share it with you.
I chose several wordless video clips that I found on YouTube that I thought would be great for modeling how to do Aided Language Stimulation.  

We provided both simple single word responses and slightly more complex language use for AAC users at a 2-3 word phrase level, using a couple of different systems that offer voice output.

We had a lot of fun, and I hope everyone felt it was fun to watch AND gave them good ideas to use in intervention.
So, here is a link to the video recording, so you can check it out for yourself, if you missed it.

More next week. Keep on talking!

And if you're going to be at the ASHA Conference in LA next month, stop by and say "Hello."

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