
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Why Bother with Stories?

One factor that is shown to have influence on students’ skills in narrative discourse is early interactions around books and experiences.  The interactions with parents or other adults that provide scaffolding of story telling / experience retelling, that co-construct narratives with children and gradually decrease that support, are critical.  By providing opportunities to interact with partners who provide quality exchanges students develop the narrative skills that they need.

why we read stories

If you read this blog regularly, you know that shared reading is another favorite topic of mine
stories are important
These early interactions [between parent and child] build the foundation upon which children build their narrative and academic skills (Boudreau 2008).  The narrative skills of preschoolers are predictive of academic success in school, as well as social success.  As students with narrative language deficits continue having difficulties in academic and social success, we are reminded of the importance of intervention at the narrative levels.

read stories

I’ll circle around and talk some more about narrative skills and shared reading opportunities in subsequent posts.  In the meantime, if you’re interested in increasing the narrative skills of students, take a look at this resource I have on increasing narrative skills. As well as this one for increasing narrative skills in AAC users.

And, for a superb discussion of narrative skills, check out Sandra Gillam’s CEU courses at Medbridge. I've heard Sandra and her husband speak on the topic and they are superb.  Medbridge charges just one annual fee for as many courses as you have time for!

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