
Sunday, November 10, 2019

Are You Drowning in Alphabet Soup?

We all use acronyms way more than we’d probably like.  There are acronyms everywhere; television stations, directions, and, of course, in our professional language.  
And sometimes we forget that not everyone knows the acronyms we use; especially in our clinical capacities.  Even using SLP can confuse some people.  Many call us Speech Therapists and have no idea of the full professional title.

So, I am going to clear up some of the confusion around acronyms used in AAC.  Let’s start with that one:

AAC - Alternative - Augmentative Communication; those modes of communication that replace or supplement natural speech.

PAS - Partner Assisted Scanning; a process by which the communication partner scans through the selections either auditorily (saying the words), visually (by pointing to the symbols) or both.  The partner scans through the choices available on the (no/low-tech)  AAC system, always in the same order, looking for an agreed-upon response from the individual to accept an option.  Partners present the choices in the same sequential order every time.  This strategy is usually used with an individual with significant motor or visual problems who has difficulty accessing an AAC system independently.

ALgS - Aided Language Stimulation is also called Aided Input (AI) and refers to the process of modeling use of the AAC system to the user while speaking.

AT - Assistive Technology; an umbrella term used to talk about assistive and adaptive devices or systems for individuals with disabilities. It includes any piece of equipment or software program or app that can be used to increase the functional abilities of students with disabilities.  This umbrella includes AAC.

CCN - Complex Communication Needs; used to refer to those AAC learners who have significant disabilities and needs beyond simply replacing their speech. These AAC users have a combination of physical, sensory, and other challenges that make communication difficulty

CVI - Cortical Vision Impairment; refers to a brain based vision disorder

SGD - Speech Generating Device; or VOCA (voice output communication assistant)
Voice output can be either digital (recorded speech) or synthesized (computer-generated) speech.  

Those are my top 7 picks for confusing acronyms I hear in IEP meetings that leave some people shaking their heads.  Do you have any others?

If you're looking for more information about AAC, morew terminology explained, and a step-by-step guide to implementation, try my book Make the Connection!  (affiliate link)

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