
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Presume Competence to Empower the Nonspeaking

Presume they can. Let's start a new school year off with that mantra. 

We must always assume capability for an individual with communication challenges. Presuming capability impacts our decisions regarding AAC. It alters how we offer chances and entry to vocabulary, communication functions, and the alphabet.

Far too often I've seen, heard, been told, "He can't do this," "He's too low functioning," or "That's beyond his skill set." Hogwash! (that's the clean version)

Everyone communicates. There are NO prerequisites to using AAC. Let's all remember that, please.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is utilized by individuals unable to depend on speech. We begin with AAC by presuming competence. When we assume competence, we recognize the need for opportunities and instruction/support. We trust in an individual's capacity to communicate and acquire knowledge.

This is frequently referred to as the "least harmful assumption".

Not believing and taking no action is riskier than assuming competence and beginning to utilize AAC.

Assume your student is progressing towards competence. Effective intervention, consistent modeling, appropriate tools, and practice will assist their communication journey. It's critical to genuinely believe in their potential, even if they face multiple challenges. Trust in their abilities. - Carole Zangari, Praactical AAC.

What is the essence of presuming competence?

Presuming competence entails believing in the capacity for learning and understanding in all individuals. This approach is anchored in two fundamental principles that are universal, irrespective of specific conditions.

Learning is accessible to all

Every individual has a voice

woman presuming competence using an aac device with a child

1. Education is accessible to all

When speech is not an option for communication, much about them remains unknown. Understanding their language capabilities and true potential requires assuming competence and providing appropriate AAC tools with training. Showing potential relies on individualized support and tools, similar to how proper sports gear and instruction are essential for mastering sports skills.

2. Everyone has a message. Everyone has something to say.

Each individual has thoughts to share, beyond what we can see. It is important that we provide means for expressing these innermost ideas, without limitations on expression.

Assuming ability - Factors in AAC device selection

Believing in the voice within influences AAC selection, emphasizing potential realization and self-expression. Essential in all AAC setups are:

1. Availability of an extensive vocabulary

Individuals without speech rely on vocabulary for communication. Selecting an expansive vocabulary empowers them. Providing access to a wide range of words is crucial for effective expression. They need a robust vocabulary.

2. Communication for various purposes

Communication serves diverse purposes. Initially, we tend to focus on requests in AAC teaching, but human expression encompasses a lot more needs. Presuming competence involves providing access to all communication functions.

3. Alphabet accessibility

An AAC system must assume competence for acquiring a symbol-based communication system and literacy skills. Independent spelling grants freedom of expression to AAC users, reducing reliance on others. Any level of spelling proficiency is beneficial, including basic phonetic or inventive spelling. Easy and complete alphabet access is essential in building communication independence.

girl with communication device speaking with a boy

Mindset is important.

We need to preserve respect and dignity for all individuals, regardless of communication challenges. Presume competence in their abilities and thoughts; how we approach them influences their communication and learning experiences.

No requirements necessary

No requirements exist for AAC use. Individuals don't need to prove skills before accessing AAC. Age doesn't limit AAC initiation. Presuming competence provides necessary tools for all AAC users, irrespective of their conditions.

Subsequent action

Assuming competence implies seeing each person as a distinct individual with valuable perspectives.

Choose a robust AAC system that offers the necessary words to the user. 

Every individual is capable of learning and communicating. Their thoughts remain hidden until they are provided with an opportunity.

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